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Welcome to the Blue Prism Digital Exchange Community!

The Blue Prism Digital Exchange is a "shop window" for new and emerging technologies—a platform that puts powerful RPA and AI capabilities into the hands of business leaders. Users can find and apply pre-built AI capabilities, in the form of downloadable integrations and Visual Business Objects (VBOs), to automated processes. These assets connect and integrate Digital Workers, existing systems and processes to Blue Prism's technology partners, creating a solid foundation of AI-enabled Intelligent Automation that's scalable and sustainable.

Forum Posts

Updates to the Digital Exchange (DX)

To our Digital Exchange users, We want to share an important change to the Digital Exchange (DX). To make it even easier to access assets you need to rapidly develop, extend, and reuse your automations, we’re introducing a new digital marketplace. Fe...

ewilson by Staff
  • 11 replies

NOTICE: Microsoft's new Outlook client and the Outlook VBO.

Hello All,Please be advised that Microsoft's newest Outlook client DOES NOT support COM interop. What that means is the Outlook VBO will not work with this newer Outlook client. See below reference from Microsoft regarding supported features with the...

ewilson by Staff
  • 15 replies

Resolved! Symphony Ventures - JSON Manipulation VBO - Question

Hello,Is anyone familiar with using the VBO for Symphony Ventures - JSON Manipulation VBO?  I'm attempting to use the action 'Filter JSON Keys', however, I can't figure out the syntax for the Keys input.  I've attempted to use JSONPath syntax, but th...

Resolved! System Active Directory Utility create user

Hi, I am trying to create a user in active directory using System - Active Directory utility object. I am getting an Unknown error (0x800050000)Can some one help?------------------------------Manish KathuriaApplication DevloperIBMAmerica/Indiana/Indi...

Resolved! Get Records from SQL Data-SQL Server

Hi Folks,Using this Data-SQL Server Object to connect and get data from SQL. Whenever there is any Date field it changes the time to GMT time (e.g. we are using it in Singapore which is (GMT + 8:00 hours) so, when we read records from SQL the datetim...

Resolved! Extract previous day's queue data using AutomateC

Hi Experts,I am looking for an option to extract blueprism queue data for the previous day using AutomateC (which currently is being performed manually via control Room). I have gone through some of the online posts to try and understand the command ...

Resolved! error while activating license activation code

hello there blue community help me resolve this error message , i am not able to generate licence activation code when i paste activation generate code , i tried 3 times with no luck i get the error as displayed on screenshot ,-----------------------...

Resolved! Amazon Textract Asynchronous Operations pdf S3Bucket

Hi everyone, I am using AWS TextractVBORelease_v1.0-062020.bpskill file from DX in Blue Prism.After setting up a S3 Bucket in AWS Storage, i passed a pdf input for StartDocumentTextDetection page in AWS Textract business object. Now at AnalyzeDocumen...


MS Outlook Get Received Items Basic

Hi,I'm trying to run a 'Get Received Items Basic' action with the MS Outlook VBO.  But this error triggers every time I run it - Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Object variable or With block variable no...

BOT scheduling using programming language

Is there any other way to schedule​ or run bot external program using CMD. ------------------------------srihari jApplication Development AnalystAccentureAsia/Kolkata------------------------------

Data OLEDB - Open Action Hangs Indefinitely

Hi,Need your expertise on one issue we are facing with DATA - OLEDB Object.Scenario: Process was opening an excel file and retrieving data using OLEDB for further processing.Process Sequence:1. Set Connection2. Open <- This is where the issue happens...

Python and Java VBO on DX Portal

Hi,There is a VBO for python script execution on DX portal - works quite smooth and very useful.Is there is similar VBO available for executing java cl...

Help with BigQuery API skill and OAuth credential

​So I have a need to user BigQuery to retrieve some results, operationally I think I can make this happen. My question is how do I set up the OAuth credential that was in the skill package correctly? I received a json key that should be holding all t...