There are some control room bugs and Process studio Bugs in 6.5, so we started Migration to 6.5, and backed off and waited to 6.6.
6.4 to 6.6. Have some notes and key points from my perspective. If you plan on using the Datagate Way, or use the "tile" information currently, Its a big deal learning to set that up the first time.
Security Access for Developers was increased. They now have the ability to edit process and objects in nonprod. This in now required to import. BG-4096.
Process option to"Terminate the Session on session log failure" no longer functions and Process des not start. BG-4443
ENV locks now delete by default when release. Could caouse issues with logic of it you use lock "comments"
256 Character limit in txt fields. Resolved in future version BG-XXXX BP Analytic Data vs Data Gateway.
Session logs need to be fairly clean and not excessive or large Parameters. Otherwise DGW will choke on session logs.
"Analytic" Tile data no longer outputted "null" for the "Pending Queue Volumes" and "Queue Volumes by Status" - BG-4970
Philip Trovato