@Arghya BhattacharyyaI've come up with a crazy idea to solve this.
But first to all, I am not responsible if anything else breaks, do this with care.
And another recomendation, I think, the best way is to rename the altered VBO, not the original. But, whatever:
I try to make a simple example with the "Utility - JSON", Save As with the name "Utility - Json (Original)" and I make a process that call one of the internal actions

Then, download the new VBO version from the DX store, and edit it with a Notepad. (I use Notepadd++, but the result is the same, just edit it)
As you can see in the image bellow, the object name is indicated in this text.

I replace the original name with the new custome name and import the new edited file

I insist that I take no responsibility for this kind of fiddling. I am sure that more than one would burn me at the stake for doing this.
Hope this helps you!!
See you in the Community, bye!!
Pablo Sarabia
Solution Manager & Architect
Altamira Assets Management