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Credentials Vault

Level 4
Hi ,

When we set the password expiry for Credentials Vault? Is there any way to get a notification like expire information at tool?

Sidramappa Hunashyal

Level 15
Blue Prism Core doesn't send notifications unless a process is running. Are you asking if there's a way to receive a notification if a process tries to use a credential that has expired or are you asking about receiving a notification from Blue Prism (the tool) the moment a credential expires? If you're asking about the first, then I'd say you have to design that into a process of some kind that checks the credentials and notifies you. If you're asking about the second then, no there's no notification that will occur the moment a credential expires.

Could you explain what you're trying to achieve and then the community can suggest what we've done in the past?

Dave Morris
3Ci @ Southern Company
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

​Thansk a lot for the udapte..
Let me expaln my requirement
I have stored my login credinitils of my applicaiton in CV with given expeiry while defining valut. is BP tool provides any popup/notification about my expiry dates.

Sidramappa Hunashyal

As far as I know, there's no popup/notification about the expiry dates.

The way I'd handle it is to create a simple process that uses the Internal Business Object 'Credentials' action 'List', which should have a column for the Status of the credential, to indicate whether it is expired or not. Then you could have it email you if any are expired with the list of expired credentials. Then I'd set it on a schedule daily and then forget about credentials until the automation emails you.

Dave Morris
3Ci @ Southern Company
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

A Simple answer to your question would be "NO INBUILT Mechanism to notify of expiry".

What many orgs normally do is, create a process to check for password expiry using inbuilt VBOs and schedule it every morning to check for creds those are expiring within say next week and send notifications to owners to update.

Vivek Goel
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​Thanks Vivek. Let me check how to to check manually and send notification via Email.

Sidramappa Hunashyal