12-07-21 08:45 PM
13-07-21 11:19 AM
13-07-21 04:11 PM
15-07-21 07:52 AM
28-07-21 12:08 PM
Hi David,
To complement the scripts we already use at Blue Prism I also use Glenn Alan Berry's SQL Server Diagnostic Queries. Glenn is one of the finest minds on the planet when it comes to SQL Server, in particular the hardware it is running on. He updates the scripts every month and they are pretty comprehensive, there are different scripts for each version of SQL Server including Azure SQL Database and SQL Managed Instance. Even better Glenn has some supporting YouTube videos to assist with the queries, which are great and he also has several courses on Pluralsight if people have a subscription.
There is a lot of information in these scripts and as always the benefit is in understanding the results which can be far from easy.
28-07-21 01:50 PM