28-01-25 04:09 PM
Hello All,
We are getting the following popup when opening Excel. Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle this?
Thank you.
29-01-25 04:01 AM
Hi @babaiah
Based on the exception you have provided, it looks like the excel file you opened has references present in the file and it might be updated or deleted. if that is the case you need to correct the references to resolve the issue.
Refernece should be either reference from other excel sheet or data source.
29-01-25 12:12 PM
Hi @babaiah
As @harish.mogulluri mentioned it looks like the file you are opening has links to other files and the files they are linking to are missing. You can try turning off auto updates for the links after creating and instance and before you open the file. This should prevent the file trying to update the links when it opens and resolve the issue with the pop up. You would need a new code stage for that though, i've place the code below if you need it. Inputs are Handle, Workbook and Auto Updates the last one should be a flag data item.
a month ago
Just a note. I noticed that in later versions of the MS Excel VBO, the "Open Workbook" action now has a flag for updating links. I don't know if this is actually helpful or not.
Good luck,
a month ago
Thank you for your reply, Stepher.
Could you please share the link to the latest version of MS Excel VBO?
a month ago
No worries. Here you go...
Take care,
a month ago
Thank you all for your replies.
We have created a macro to handle the Excel pop-ups, and now we are not facing any issues.