23-10-24 09:05 PM
Hello Experts!
We are using BP v7.3.1 and the new VBO "MS Outlook VBO (NetOffice)" to read emails using "Get Received Items (Basic)" action.
Outlook is started using a separate object that selects the desired profile.
The first call of action "Get Received Items (Basic)", everything works fine!
If my process closes Outlook (for any reason), opens it again, and then calls the action "Get Received Items (Basic)", I receive the error:
ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Failed to proceed Method on Outlook.NameSpace=>GetDefaultFolder.
After that, any call to "MS Outlook VBO (NetOffice)", results in an exception. For example, if I call the action "Quit Outlook" I receive the error:
ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Failed to proceed Method on Outlook.Application=>Quit
I have to finish my process and start the execution from zero, then I can use the "MS Outlook VBO (NetOffice)" again. But, if the process closes Outlook, the problem returns.
I've tried calling "Quit Outlook" to close Outlook before restarting it, but the problem remains the same.
I'd appreciate any tips about this problem.
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a month ago
@xlxu001 @AP.Philippa if you haven't grabbed the latest version of the VBO from the DX, please do so. I believe the global references have been replaced with local instances in each action on both the legacy Outlook VBO and the newer NetOffice VBO.
24-10-24 04:39 PM
Hi @flavio.lara
My guess is this issue is due to the underlying NetOffice library holding a reference to the running instance of the Outlook client. If the instance disappears for some reason, the NetOffice DLL isn't refreshing it's link.
We'll take a look and see if there's anything we can do to address this.
24-10-24 06:03 PM
Many thanks, @ewilson
I agree with you Eric, something is holding the "connection" with outlook and avoiding a new instance of Netoffice to communicate with Outlook.
I'll share my findings... I've tried to move back to the legacy MS Outlook VBO. I've added the Outlook interop dll back to BP install folder, but I have the same problem (if I close outlook and open it again, error). Now a different error message, but an error following the same steps sequence.
This legacy Outlook VBO was downloaded from DX.
So I tried my old VBO (from BP 6.10.2) and it worked perfectly. Then I compared the codes and realized that the declaration of the app and namespace objects changed from the "Internal_Get_Items" page to a global declaration in the "Initialize" page.
The last VBO that declares the objects inside the "Internal_Get_Items" page was distributed with BP 7.2.1.
The version on DX moved it to initialize (and rises an error following the steps I've mentioned).
Legacy Outlook VBO - BP v7.2.1
No code in "global" declarations
Legacy Outlook VBO from DX
Object olApp and olNamespace are declared in Global Code and initialized via code inside "Initialize" page.
Inside "Internal_Get Items" page the objects are used...
I'm sharing that because NetOffice VBO has the same idea. The objects are declared in Global Code, which could affect how they are "disposed" of after Outlook closes.
According to my tests, we have an issue with both VBOs available in DX (NetOffice and the Legacy Outlook VBO).
As soon as we find a solution We'll move back to NetOffice VBO. For now, We'll use the version delivered with BP v7.2.1. (knowing that it will not work with the new Outlook Client)
Thank you very much for your help. Let us know if We can help with more details.
24-10-24 07:22 PM
Hi @flavio.lara
Thanks for including your analysis. I believe we had originally changed the code in an attempt to clean up memory instead of constantly creating and releasing object references, but perhaps we'll need to roll that back.
15-12-24 06:04 AM
@ewilson are there any updates on this topic or workaround that can be added to the Global declarations of the .Net VBO? Here are the errors we are getting:
ERROR: Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage:
Failed to retrieve default folder for Account Display Name 'XXXXX'.
Failed to proceed PropertyGet on Outlook.NameSpace=>Accounts.
a month ago
Hi @ewilson ,
We are currently also experiences these types off errors when we have just relaunched Outlook. Is there already any advice on a work arround or fix for the NetOfffice Outlook VBO?
Looking forward to your response!
With kind regards,
Arthur Philippa
a month ago
@xlxu001 @AP.Philippa if you haven't grabbed the latest version of the VBO from the DX, please do so. I believe the global references have been replaced with local instances in each action on both the legacy Outlook VBO and the newer NetOffice VBO.
a month ago
Thank you for the heads-up. We have updated our VBO and our issues seem to have been resolved. Many thanks!