Ok, I understand what you're trying to do. I thought you were trying to change the value of an item within the list when in fact you're trying to change the definition of an actual column. The bad news is there's no action on the SharePoint connector, at the moment, to change the definition of a list column. The good news is that it's not that difficult to add one.
What you want to do here is issue a PATCH request against the column definition. Microsoft recommends creating a JSON payload that only includes the specific column properties that you want to update. In this case, the only thing you want to update is
displayName from the sounds of it.
First, you issue a GET request to enumerate the column definitions for the specific List that you want to work with. I mentioned that in my post from Feb 3rd where I mentioned you would need to add an action for this. The action looks like this:
GET /sites/[Site ID]/lists/[List ID]/columnsThe response will include an array of JSON objects that correspond to each column in the List. Find the information for the column you're interested in and pull out its ID. Now, you'll use that ID with a PATCH request to update it. The request looks like this:
PATCH /sites/[Site ID]/lists/[List ID]/columns/[Column ID]And the request body, for displayName, would look like this:
"displayName": "[New Column Name]"
Here are some screenshots from a test I ran. The first shows the original file list. The second shows what it looks like after I changed the name of the column titled Test Column.

NOTE: If you're looking at this in the browser, you have to refresh the page to see the update.
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange