Hi I was fighting with this issue few weeks later, and this setting works form me, maybe it will help you:
Use 2 credentials:
- Salesforce Authentication (for password and username)(GRANT):

*Consumer Key and Consumer Secret you can find in SF under your API Account
- Salesforce Token (for secured tokens from SF) (TOKEN):

*this works only as temp envelop for saving Expiry and Instance URL params, no credentials (username and password) set in this
In Web API - Salesforce authentication check this setting on "Common Authenticatiuon" - there must be set Credentilas where you have stored Expiry and Instance URL - In my case its named Salesforce Token UAT

In process:
1. Authenticate

2. Get Active Token

Sorry for long post, but sometimes picture can say more then words.
Jan Čech
Senior RPA Specialist