04-03-24 10:56 AM
I've been using Power BI to present to business users the machine utilization.
The table I'm using for this report is the BPMIUtilisationDaily, and this table since February is presenting hourly utilizations of up to 7200 seconds used per hour, which equals to 200% utilization.
How can this be possible? And how to solve it?
04-03-24 01:40 PM
I just checked our table (BP 6.9) and max utilization is 3600, for each runtime resource.
Maybe your report aggregates two runtime resource to a total of 7200?
Otherwise it would be interesting to know what BP version you are using
04-03-24 03:06 PM
@Walter Koller I'm using version 6.8.1
The table itself has 7200 straight from the Database for some machines.
Added screenshot of the query.
05-03-24 11:48 AM
This looks indeed strange.
I can see correct calculation in line 17 of the result in your screenshot. So it is not a general issues but is occurs in certain situation.
It might be related to the process running more than 24h. Unfortunately I could not find such a case in our current data and I am not able to verify my assumption.
I would suggest to open support ticket with Blue Prism for further investigation.