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Trying to spy the contents of 2 tables on the AWS site

Level 4


I can sure use someone's help with this. I cannot use the conventional method of spying of the AWS Lambda Supported Runtimes table (below) also the Deprecated Runtimes table (not shown but on same website). Went through the lessons in BP University regarding Xpath/CSS. I am using this for the CSS attribute: #w835aac31c33b5 > tbody, which gives me the contents of the body of the table. The problem is that the first 3 characters of that table id change (once a week it seems). I then tried  WebPath/Xpath using the following expression: //table id[contains(text(), 'aac31c21b7'')] which didn't seem to work and would possibly be an issue with the deprecated table as it looks like it also ends with 'aac31c21b7'. I am not a web developer, so I don't know how to make these expressions work. When the table IDs are constant, I can pull its contents with the following stage:




