I'm kind of surprised you're able to get any successful responses on this. I was just looking through and the base URL that's defined in the connector (the URL that your specific resource name is added to) is not correct. According to Microsoft's documentation the base URLs are all of the form
<Region>.api.cognitive.microsoft.com. The URL in the connector is
<Region>.cognitiveservices.azure.com. This may have been the older URL and Microsoft just performs a redirect on any requests. Either way, that's not what's causing your issue, but it's something we'll need to address in those connectors.
After looking over the connector, I believe the issue you're seeing is that the wrong
Content-Type header has been specified for the action you're trying to perform. That action has the Content-Type header set to
application/octet-stream which implies the body of the request is nothing but raw bits and bytes. However, since the action is using the built-in
Single File option of the Web API feature I think that header needs to be change to

Change that, give it a try, and let me know how it works for you.
Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange