Level 5
since ‎20-06-21

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Hi all, I want to connect to oracle DB from a client machine, I'm using OLEDB VBO to do this, the error is showing that the"'OraOLEDB.Oracle' provider is not registered on the local machine." I'm stuck in downloading the ODAC, can anyone help, please...
Hi all, Can I find a way to copy data from MS Access without using SQL statement, our Access file is not able to select data from its table. OR if I can export it to excel that will be good------------------------------aseel odeh---------------------...
I tried to connect MS Access DB with Blueprism but it throw an error for your reference I listed the errors belowI tried with Provider ="Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" it throw an Error:- Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by ...
HI,I've created an account service ( but there is no API interact permission option ) and set the credentials.however, im getting this error from bp when running the actions------------------------------aseel odeh------------------------------
Hi, Is there any way to export data and documents from BP to interact to display them in the form?------------------------------aseel odeh------------------------------
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