@AmitKolekarI put you here some links that can helps you:
Video for surface automation:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bYBJAu37vkOfficial article from the BPDocs related with Citrix:
https://bpdocs.blueprism.com/bp-7-0/en-us/Guides/citrix-integration/citrix-automation.htmAnd finally, this one is from the Blue Prism University:
https://university.blueprism.com/courses?&sort=dateUpdatedC%20desc&search=citrixAbout the last link, if you are new in BP, the Blue Prism University is a place with a lot of information, courses and guides. I strongely recommends you to check it and found information here. Also, you have a Community Chat for the University. If you have any doubt related with the courses or the examples and exercises, make the questions here:
Blue Prism UniversityHope this helps you!! And enjoy the RPA
🙂See you in the Community, bye!
Pablo Sarabia
Solution Manager & Architect
Altamira Assets Management