Update: We were able to fix the issue by passing the hot keys.
Leaving an update as I didn't find an option to delete my query or to mark it as fixed.
We are trying to automate some of the ticket based actions on CA Service Desk (Web based - Using IE).
We were able to spy the generic menu and the dropdown etc. but to update the request we need to select "Update Status" from a popup which we are unable to spy. We tried almost all the spy modes, were able to click the dropdown/menu option by specifying the X/Y coordinates, but it's failing when the screen size is getting changed.
In the HTML / UIA Method, the elements under the menu list were getting identified/selected. But the menu items were not getting selected. It felt as if the popup was in a different window. We tried to use "UI Automation Navigator", but the menu items were not available.
I'm attaching the screens to make it more clear.
Apologies for the long query.
Manoj Sivasankaran