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Forum Posts

Our Community's Top Tips for Beginners

Welcome to the world of Intelligent Automation! It's great to have you here with us. And you're in fantastic company - the SS&C Blue Prism Community is made of up thousands of intelligent automation professionals from across the globe who have al...

Michael_S by Community Team
  • 7 replies

Resolved! Blue Prism Installation Guide

Hi Sir, I'm new to Blue prism automation.I want to learn blue prism.Could you someone help me where to download the blue prism software installation for windows 8.1.Is there any way to find trial version of blue prism for learning purpose. Please ...

Resolved! Blue Prism on Chromebook

Is it possible to install Blue Prism on a Chrombook? Assuming not but thought I would ask.------------------------------Steve Ellesmore------------------------------

i was wondering?

Hi Community   i was wondering, is there any way i can extract error logs from work queues into a rest api ?i am building a website to show the processes a little better, and this could help me alot   /Nijas - New Memeber --------------------------...

Customer Onboarding Journey

If you are new to Blue Prism, check out our new onboarding playboard. It will help introduce you to all the resources available - at the click of the button.   ------------------------------Xina SeatonVP, Customer ExperienceBlue PrismAmerica/Chicago-...

Resolved! Question about code language

Hi team,i'm new here and I would like some information about blue prism ecosystem.Except for C#, the VB used by blue prism is VB6 and not VB.NET, correct?In that case, there is a post, someone can advise me about some good courses to masterize BP?Tha...

Resolved! Date + Time dilemma

Hello,I'm still learning so this may be a simple question.I need to get the current date and time in my process..  I have used the function Now() which brings back date and time but due to daylight savings the time is an hour out.I then used Today ()...

Welcome to the Getting Started Community!

Hi all and welcome to the Getting Started Community!New to Blue Prism? This Global Community is intended to help new users get started with Blue Prism products & services. We're currently in the process of migrating useful content into this Community...

Resolved! how to remove duplicate values in excel

Hi Team,I am new to Blue Prism and started exploring tools across all platforms. Right now I am dealing with Excel VBO.Could you please explain how to remove duplicates from Single Excel file using Blue Prism with detailed steps?It would be helpful i...

RE:ROM technical Architect Guide

Hi Bot Builders,Trust all are keeping safe.I am starting my preparation for BluePrism Certified Technical Architect (ATA01) exam,In the preparation instructions for the exam,it says following documents ,where * mentions "contact your account manager"...

How to run process based on multiple input

Hi, I am new to blue prism and i am stuck at one point as i am not able to run process based on input. Let me explain my use case 1- Getting multiple application input from source like .. for JIRA, for Outlook ..etc 2- if i will get input for JIRA th...

Unable to identify web elements

Hi There,I am new to Blue prism and i self practice BP, i need your help. I am trying do create a VBO for currency converter portal "".I am unable to identify "from currency" and "to currency" web elements but I am able to identify first elemen...


Hi,I'm using windows10, and . BP . 6.5.I'm still new to BP, and try to re-do an exercise using "" and "chrome".My problem is that I'm not able to write into the "from" currency.  I have tried multiple things and n...
