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shedule with some margin of error?

Level 4

Hi all, 

I was wondering if it was possible to shedule with some margin of error? On certain time frames my shedule is getting quit busy. And I am starting tot have some problems where processes don't start because the previous process ran a little longer then normal. 
Usually a few minutes.

Is it possible to set up some margin of error where a process will still start when another one ran a little longer then expected?

I already made combination shedules with multiple processes in one shedule. But this is not possible for every proces.

I used Blueprism 6.10.1. 

Kind regards

Jef Uytterhoeven

jef uytterhoeven

Level 8

Hello Jef,

I've faced the same trouble and the workaround that we implemented was to set the scheduler starting hourly/minutely every 5 minutes between a certain threshold.

For example;

Process A finish at 08:03.

Process B Start at 08:00.

We have process A that we dont know when is going to finish BUT we need to start process B.

On the same resource, at 08:00, Process B can't start because it's busy running Process A. However, with the scheduler set to start hourly or minutely, it will attempt to start again at 08:05 and continue to retry every 5 minutes until the threshold is reached.


Hope it helps, regards

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Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer
Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer

Level 10
Hi Jeff,
There are some ways, this topic has some really cool insights.
Normally, I take into account the process and its characteristics, depending on which I assign a "finish time" within the process (for cases that can be processed later, in others I use the idea similar to what Daniel explained, in addition there is the possibility of creating a completion will trigger the process as suggested in the topic by Ravinder.

Leonardo Soares
RPA Developer
Leonardo Soares RPA Developer América/Brazil