21-11-23 03:27 PM
I see that the topic was discussed over a year ago, but no solution mentioned. When we step into an object in debug-mode, make some changes and step out cleanly, we get the pop-up for saving (as allways), but then next time into the object its adhoc, we then have to resett the whole process. Someone mentioned it may only occur in Azure SQL databases ???
22-11-23 09:30 AM
Hi Ole,
I've never seen exactly that. We regularly have to change a setting in an object and then not save it when we get back again to the process that called the object. This does not cause any errors for us. Then again, I'm not sure if we have any Azure databases...
On the other hand, if you did save any changes in the object during debug, you need to press the BP Refresh button in order for the process to reload the changed object. If not, the original (old) version will still be in memory.
22-11-23 09:33 AM
I know I have to refresh, but until this summer one could make changes during debug, save and the lock on the object was released.
22-11-23 12:40 PM
I was notified that this was introduced as a bug in 6.10.5 - says it's fixed in 6.10.6
22-11-23 05:39 PM
Hi Ole Gunderson,
I have seen in multiple cases,
1) when some one opened the object and lock that object and if we try to open the object in debug mode it will end up with adhoc
2) if you edited the object in debug mode like adding input or output paramter and if you try to open the object in later steps it will end up with adhoc.
In my opinion it is valid one if it try to open the object with out adhoc in these two cases it will potential end up with conflict if two users are updating the objects at the same, time.
I have checked the known issue in Blue Prism version 6
Are you referring the port in the below article or Adhoc? If it is Adhoc can you share the known issue or ticket number I was curious to see whether it is actual bug or expected behavior.
[BPE] BP-11535 - Fixed browser port not released on first instance of Blue Prism :
23-11-23 02:34 PM
I'm referring to that article, problem is I'm running only one instance, and still have the problem. Will install 6.10.6 and check
15-10-24 01:33 PM
Until the previous lock is released it will keep opening up in adhoc mode. So if you manually open the object and remove the lock it will not show adhoc again. I guess you can remove all locks in one go and then it should not go to adhoc again.