It has been requested before, but up to this date I am struggling with load balancing in Blue Prism. A frequently asked question by clients, is whether we can have all the resources being used as efficiently as possible. In addition we also need to be able to assign priorities to processes where a certain process has to run between a specified timeslot. This last request is a hard one to achieve, yet possible to incoporate a functionality that enables clients to do this, of course depending on the amount of resources they have available.
Would it be possible to incorporate both functionalities of the active queue and scheduler, to have processes run within a specified timeframe? We assign a start time and an end time. The scheduler will then decide at runtime whether to add or remove resources from the task, to reach the targetted end date.
It would be nice to have more flexibility with the scheduler. This way we can optimize the Robotic Taskforce at our clients with minimal interaction by end users.