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Attach Results true on final page terminate

Hello, We are using BP Version, .Net Frame 2.0.507272.5485, and App Manager Also we use IE 9 What we are running into is a Object is set with an attach and has a modified Terminate action that we have tried either a c# code to focus a page and then send global send keys to gracefully exit IE or even a navigate using JavaScript to close the page in the same means. For the attach it will look through a collection of items as page titles to get the pages we expect to be open and then close them. The part that we have an issue with is that before attaching we actually check if we are already attached by doing a read of IE page to pull a true or false of the result. Now since we close/exit the browser each time the connection should be lost. What we run into though is that when it goes through all the pages only the last one will be checked as true. We can reset or even open application modeller which then will run the same read with a result of false so we can then do our attach. I realize we can actually not bother checking if attached and just attempt it but for the sakes of proper methodology we want to still have this portion implemented. Any ideas on the cause and maybe a fix for it?