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BP+RPA and SystmOne in the NHS

Level 2


We are about to embark on our automation journey and as such I am really interested in hearing from other NHS organisations that are successfully utilising BP within Azure and Automating tasks in SystmOne.  Any insights or feedback, both good and or bad, would be greatly appreciated. 

We are currently still at the scoping stage and as such trying to conclude if BP is even the correct RPA platform for us, although we also understand that BP is already heavily used within the NHS.

Thanks in advance, Steve

Steve Dyson

Level 2

It's great that you're considering Blue Prism (BP) for your automation journey within the NHS. While I don't have specific information about the use of BP within Azure and SystmOne in the NHS, I can offer some general insights and considerations that might be helpful. Given the sensitive nature of healthcare data, prioritize security and compliance. Check whether the chosen RPA platform adheres to relevant regulations and security standards. Azure provides robust security features, but it's essential to ensure that your RPA solution aligns with these.

Charles Reily


I remember the name SystmOne from the dim and distant past Steve, but unfortunately nothing specific, other than that it has been automated before using BP. Other might have more recent experiences than me.

John Carter
Blue Prism


Hi Steve, I had a dig in the archives and it seems SystmOne is (or at least was) a Java app that we've worked with before. There are a limited number of PAS apps in the NHS and I'm pretty sure we or our partners will have worked with them all by now. BP has been in use at the NHS one way for at least 15 years.

John Carter
Blue Prism