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BP error message "Process with an Id of 19324 is not running"

Level 3
Has anyone encountered this issue while trying to attach to an application, Blue Prism throws an error "Process with an Id of 19324 is not running". If yes, does anyone know the reason behind it?

Level 15
Looking at our support system this has only ever been reported once and was put down as an environmental issue (the client realised that the one PC it was occuring on had a lower spec than others - less memory). This led us to think it is environment related in some way (potentially less memory causing applicaions a long time to launch). Ensure the specifications of your environment meet the infastructure reference guides, ensure your virtualized desktops have a spec equivilant to a manual users standard desktop.

Hi, From what I saw, this usually happens when trying to kill a process by it's window title, but that window title is also found as part of the Blue Prism window title text that is currently attached. Scenario: Attach to process ""someapptext"" Attached successfully An open Blue Prism window has the ""someapptext"" in the window title as well Kill process ""someapptext"" Error reported Solution: Modify the attach stage to include the process name as well as window title of the application that you want to attach to. When attaching via window title, BP uses a similar method as the command line ""tasklist"" to identify the process ID of the process asked to attach. Sometimes this is not accurate enough, and you end up attaching to the Blue Prism window itself. At that point, when trying to kill the process based on the same criteria, an error will occur as BP is not suicidal and doesn't like to kill itself 🙂
Andrzej Silarow