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BP failing to "properly" attach to Internet Explorer with Java Plug-in installed

Level 2
Hi, I'm having this odd issue when attaching to IE. Sometimes when a Business Object attaches to IE it fails to find any elements matching the supplied query terms and fails to enter HTML spying mode. I've tracked the problem to the Java Plug-in. If the plugin is turned off everything works fine except for the website that I'm trying to use BP on. My current workaround is to simply kill all IE processes and retry launching, attaching. Eventually it goes through... Internet Explorer version: 11.0.9600.18537 Java Plug-in version: 10.72.2 Windows 7

Level 4
Is this with multiple websites or with just one specific website? I don't have the issue you are describing. EDIT: Oh, and what's your BP version and what are your Object Model settings? Like did you tick the box to exclude HTC settings and did you tick the box to enable Java spying, etc.

Level 2
This seems to only happen on my organization's website that is only used by the organization and can only be reached if connecting from its internet. It's like an intranet website I suppose. The Blue Prism version that I'm using is and the settings are: Attach to an already running process, Exclude HTC components is unchecked, Java integration techniques is checked.

Are you trying to select an item from a combo box on the website? I had the exact same issue just now, and managed to get around it by replacing the Html modelled combo box element with an AA modelled one, using the ""window press keys"" action to send the required value to the combo box. It seems the combo box was executing a javascript function called onchange=reloadapplet(this.value) which when invoked after using the Html action ""Select Item"", caused the Application modeller to ""loose"" its html capabilities. Once I changed the navigate stage to utilize the AA element instead of Html, everything started working fine again. No idea why yet... but it seems to me like it's some sort of bug in BP Application Modeller. Hope this helps.
Andrzej Silarow