09-09-22 08:07 AM
Answered! Go to Answer.
21-09-22 08:57 PM
09-09-22 12:27 PM
12-09-22 09:12 PM
14-09-22 03:34 PM
14-09-22 04:05 PM
14-09-22 10:16 PM
15-09-22 04:19 PM
Hi Arunkumar,
We have also upgraded from v6.10.3 to v.6.10.5 with the MV3 browser extension for Chrome.
I have noticed the slowness you described while running an object that interacts with Chrome on the interactive client in the test environment. But it doesn't always occur. Sometimes the process runs as fast as usual (without restarts of the interactive client). These are my latest test results:
Run 1: fast
Run 2: fast
Run 3: slow
Run 4: slow with time out in wait stage
Run 5: slow with time out in (a different) wait stage
Run 6: fast
During slowness I have also seen the error Theo mentioned in his first post with a Terminate Action. I replaced the Terminate Action with a Close Window action. This may not have been necessary, because the Terminate Action works fine when the object runs fast.
19-09-22 02:42 PM
Recently we have also migrated to V6.10.5
Since then we are also observing slowness in execution of some processes but not for all browser based processes.
Let all know if someone finds a way to solve it. Parallelly we are also investigating the issue on our side as well.
20-09-22 12:25 PM
Hei everyone!
Dont know if this is related but we also had some issues on slowness when updating from 6.10.2 to 6.10.5 (and browser extension from V2 to using V3). We noticed our browser processes (using Chrome) slowing dramatically after couple of tasks, sometimes it would be straight after starting the process. Tasks that would normally (before updating) take around 30s to complete would now take 10 min or more.
After a couple of days we summarized that in our case it was also about terminating the browser/chrome that caused this.
We were using "kill process" and somehow everytime this was used and then the browser again reopened/launched, it slowed down.
Though manually closing the browser and then re-launching it using BP would return everything back to normal.
This would happen also with closing the process using cmd manually (like 'taskkill /F /IM chrome.exe /T' or so), so we ended up changing the "kill process" to just simply closing Chrome by activating the application and sending "%{F4}" to the browser.
This is only a work-around though, would be nice to get the "kill process" to work again.
20-09-22 02:46 PM