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Blue Prism 7.3.2: 'Detach' Action Randomly Not Working (MS Edge and Chrome)

Level 7

We are currently using Blue Prism V6.10.2.  We had been testing and remediating against v7.3.1, but made the decision that we would divert to v7.3.2.  Just in the process of (re-)testing Processes and Objects that seemed to have been working in v7.3.1, I have come across a new/old issue.  I have a screenshot attached to help illustrate.


As a standard, all of our Object actions start with an 'Attach' page reference (which is shown above).  This is a relatively standard 'Attach' action for almost all of our Objects.  In v7.3.2, the 'Detach' action often works and then sometimes it does not.  When it does not, it causes the subsequent 'Attach' action to fail...because it is already attached.  I would be open to issues with configuration, but, like I said, in the same process, in the same activity loop, it does work occasionally.  Also, there is no configuration, to speak of, for the 'Detach' action.

I am a little more sensitive to this issue now because I was seriously considering converting some or all of our MS Edge processes to Chrome, but this exact issue put a damper on that.  Seeing it occurring in MS Edge has me... on edge. (Yeah, I know, but this is me writing this, you have to expect it.)

I would be happy to be told I am missing something obvious.



Robert "Red" Stephens Application Developer, RPA Sutter Health Sacramento, CA