Hello everyone,
I'm rather new here and I need some tips&tricks on how to use the Azure API for the automation I have going.
Basically I have a whole BP infrastructure set up on Azure. I want to use a VM inside that infrastructure to Start & Deallocate VM's based on the schedule used. Schedule View: Start VM Process / Login with LoginAgent Process / Automation process / Log out with LoginAgent Process / Deallocate VM.
I found some links from regarding this topic, however, I am unable to determine what needs to be done in order to configure the existing VBO's ( Webservices REST and Webservices OAuth2.0) to be able to use it over this Azure infrastructure. The client insists on using Azure Client ID and Client Secret codes from Azure as OAuth Parameters.
I can confirm that the API is visible within the infrastructure as I checked the API's with Postman and they execute.
OAuth info:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/develop/v1-protocols-oauth-code Start VM:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/virtualmachines/startDeallocate VM:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/compute/virtualmachines/deallocateDid anyone work on this topic before ? Are there any custom VBO's for this ?
George Mihai Bitlan