Has anyone successfully completed BP travel automation using Browser mode(chrome)?
To automate BP travel (
BP Travel - Log In (blueprism.com))
I created an object --> Application type - Browser mode( chrome), followed by spying the elements like textboxes, dropdowns, check boxes etc., in Application Modeller.
The first conflict that occurred is I am unable to capture the pop-up(that occurs when cancelling a quote) with the available spy modes (win 32m ode, Region modes, UI Automation mode)
The Object workflow goes like this : Start-----> Launch----> Login---->Click Create Quote--->enter the quote details---Create Quote-->End
CreateQuote workflow :

To pass the values in the From & To Dropdowns , I used Navigate stage.
Here comes the second conflict, when I pass 'From' airport name with its abbreviation 'BRU', it is now updating in the from field of BPtravel.com. But when I pass 'Belgium - Brussels (BRU)' it is taking this. And it is updating the field correctly.
In the excel files provided for BP travel, the from and to values are given in the form of abbreviation for the airport.
Eg: for Belgium - Brussels they have given BRU
The excel containing Quotes has the departure from & to destination in short forms like BRU, MAN etc.,

so I cannot retype the whole location name for each and every airport for all the records which is not ideal.
Had it been Internet explorer, it has Item Value in the inputs where we can pass the value "BRU" and it would successfully enter the value in the from/ TO field.
But what to do when you are automating in Chrome ??

How to resolve this issue?