22-03-23 04:37 AM
Hi, Community
The application to be automated need to manage quite a few number of user id and password. So, we're considering the use of Credential Manager.
Is it possible to register a lot of crentials in the Crential Manager at a time? and if so, how?
Is there any limit in the number of entries that can be entered in the Credential manager?
Best regards
Best regards
22-03-23 03:19 PM
Hi @HongJooChoi
There's no API for this, but you do have some options. You can either use the AutomateC.exe utility and the /createcredential flag. See the documentation for details of its use. Alternatively, you could write a process that would actually automate the Interactive Client UI and add credentials in the same way that a human user would. Personally, I'd go with the AutomateC route.