If you wanted to expand on this idea (and you are comfortable with using code stages) you could use something like Nager.Date to check for holidays and weekends. The description on the Github site (https://github.com/nager/Nager.Date) says it currently supports over 100 countries. There's also a WebAPI avaiable. This package is available via nuget and you can build/test it first using a small VS project. From a BP code stage you can then build a small amount of code that uses the Nager.Date.dll. For example, pass in a date and see if it is a holiday or weekend date. I've given this a quick test and it works fine within a code stage.
Hope this helps.
DISCLAIMER: The recommendation for the use of "Nager.net" is done with the intention of offering a helpful resource. Blue Prism cannot endorse, approve or guarantee software, or the related information and services provided by this or other third-party resources. As such, Blue Prism is not responsible for the content or accuracy of any third-party resource or for any loss or damage resulting from the use or failure of products or services provided by a third-party resource. When using a third-party resource, you will be subject to the terms and licenses by that resource, and no longer be protected by Blue Prism privacy policy or security practices. The third-party resource license and use of terms should be reviewed, including privacy policy and security practices, prior to their use.
John Cowell
Senior Software Support Analyst
Blue Prism