05-10-23 10:17 PM
Does SS&C Blue Prism Chorus expose APIs for accessing, updating the local Chorus database (e.g. another application would like to retrieve a case history, interaction history, etc.). If so, are they REST APIs?
09-10-23 02:54 PM
Hello William. Yes, SS&C Blue Prism Chorus has a set of RESTful APIs for viewing and updating data through integration. You can access the documentation for these APIs through the Chorus Customer Center here: https://ssctech.ssnc.cloud/choruscustomercenter?id=kb_view. If you do not already have a Customer Center profile, you will need to create one. After navigating to the site, click on Knowledge Center > API and Custom Code > Chorus > then select the link for the Chorus version you are currently running.
10-10-23 05:45 PM
I was not able to access the link because I don't have a proper login and I am not a Chorus customer. So just to validate, there seems to be available APIs between Chorus and the BP RPA solution, and for Chorus workflows to connect to external sources. What I haven't found are APIs that allow one to interact with a local Chorus database from another application for things like creating a workflow/process, retrieving workflow data, or inquiring on workflow status from another application. Do the referenced APIs below allow for this?
10-10-23 06:08 PM
Yes, the API referenced in the Chorus Customer Center site open up those BPM actions for calling from another application.