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Connect to TeraData database

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Hi, When I connect to TeraData database using Data-OLEDB VBO, I get an error as "The 'Teradata.Client.Provider' provider is not registered on the local machine. " . But this provider is registered in local machine and used to connect with database from other clients. Can you please help to resolve the issue. Thanks, Suganya

Level 2
Hello, I am trying to connect to Teradata via OLEDB as well, but have the same issue. Has anyone figured the way to do it? Thanks!

Level 12
It's possible that the existing connection is using a different version of the provider than that VBO is looking for (apparently that can return the same error message). A few different versions can be found here:

Level 2
Appreciate the response Ami!  To confirm, should the connection string be the following format? Provider=TDOLEDB;Data Source=myServerAddress;Persist Security Info=True; User ID=myUsername;Password=myPassword;Session Mode=ANSI;  

Has anybody solved this issue? I'm trying to connect to Teradata database but nothing seem to work. Any solutions?

Karthik Kamalakannan
Senior Consultant

Hi Karthik & All - Is it possible to connect Teradata DB which supports JDBC provider to BluePrism? Please guide us to get data from the Teradata source to BP.

Kishorekumar Ramasamy
Advisory System Analyst
IBM India Pvt Ltd

Hi, please suggest if this connection string worked for you?​

Mayank Goyal

Level 2
Hi, Suganya.

I initially had your problem, but was able to find a solution.

First, I created a new object as a custom utility.
In the Initialize stage:
  • In the Global Code, I placed "Private CONN As TdConnection" (without the quotation marks).
  • Under Code Options, (and hopefully you have the same folder structure), I put C:\Program Files (x86)\Teradata\NET Data Provider for Teradata\15.11\bin\Teradata.Client.Provider.dll in the External References, and Teradata.Client.Provider in the Namespace Imports.
To open the connection, I used a similar code structure as the Data - OLEDB VBO object. In a code stage, I put the following:

If CONN Is Nothing Then
CONN = New TdConnection("Data Source=" & datasrc & ";User Id=" & usrid & ";Password=" & pass & ";")
Catch ex As Exception
errmsg = ex.Message
End Try
End If

datasrc, usrid, and pass are all inputs to the code stage. datasrc is your Teradata server address. I ended up putting all this into a new BP Credential.

Finally, in order to get a collection from querying Teradata, I again made some minor adjustments to a Data - OLEDB VBO object action. In a separate action and code stage:

Dim oDataAdapter As New TdDataAdapter(SQL,CONN)
Dim oDataSet As New DataSet
Results = oDataSet.Tables(0)
Catch ex As Exception
errmsg = ex.Message
End Try

SQL being the only input, and Results being the main output.

Max Downey

Hi @MDowney,

Have you considered submitting your TeraData VBO to the Digital Exchange? It sounds like there are others that could certainly make use of it.


Eric Wilson
Director, Partner Integrations for Digital Exchange
Blue Prism