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Cost Savings Per RPA Process

Level 5

Hi All, 

I want to Estimate the savings done by a already automated process using Blue Prism.  Can you please share your thoughts on this? on How to do this like what are all parameters to be considered. if there is any generic formula/tool/method to estimate such savings? 

Thanks and Best regards


Kolli Sai Vikas


Hi Kolli,

Have you heard about our Process Assessment Tool, available on the Portal? It can show you a general cost savings analysis of business processes to be (or already) automated at a high level, and may meet your needs here.

Steve Boggs
Senior Product Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX

Hi Steve, thanks for reply :). 

Yes. tried it.  But wondering if there is any Formula and parameters to Consider to make a bit more Accurate estimates. Also tool seems to considering the processes that are yet to be automated? In my case All are Automated. just want to give relative savings numbers for say one year. 

I might be wrong. I only tried it once and trying to understand the tool. 

Kolli Sai Vikas

The PAT has the cost-savings formula built-in, and while it is an estimate for processes with the potential to be automated, you could put in the parameters of your already-automated processes and see if the results provide the data you're looking for here (i.e. hours saved, $$ saved, etc.). 

Alternately, a conversation with your Blue Prism Account Manager may be your best bet to get the kind of analysis you're seeking, or perhaps others here on the Community can share their suggestions for reporting on cost metrics with regard to their own automations.

Steve Boggs
Senior Product Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX

Hello Kolli Sai Vikas,,


In general, I usually use ROI and Payback, ROI analysis of the gains and costs of a project and Payback to get a view of how long I will have a return on that investment (if it is already in production, I consider it retroactive). Another indicator that you can use is the full-time equivalent (FTE), which aims to demonstrate how many hours saved by the worker that RPA will satisfy, gives a vision of periodic savings and helps in making licensing decisions by area.



Leonardo Soares
RPA Developer Tech Leader
Bridge Consulting
Leonardo Soares RPA Developer América/Brazil

Hi Steve/Leonardo Soares, 

Thanks for your valuable inputs. 

Best regards


Kolli Sai Vikas

Hi Vikas,

I also invite you to check out SmartRoby for this (made by my company).  It has the ability, among a lot of other things, to provide a probability ratio based on your own financial parameters on a per process (or grouped processes) basis.  You can see more here SmartRoby : Smart Automation is finally accessible! and happy to provide you a demo.



Paul Branson