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Data Gateway Error

Level 3

Hi, we are outputing session logs to splunk instance in blueprism. It was working fine but recently we are encountering below error in logstash file. Please help.

[ERROR][logstash.outputs.bphttp  ] [HTTP Output Failure] Encountered non-2xx HTTP code 400

sushmitha c


Hi Sushmitha,

An HTTP 400 error typically indicates that the server cannot or will not process the request due to something that is perceived to be a client error. Troubleshooting this type of error may be more complex than what could be covered in a Community, post, so if your team is unable to diagnose and resolve the issue internally, I would recommend following the guidance in the Knowledge Base article 'How do I diagnose and prevent issues with Data Gateways?', gathering the appropriate logs, and opening a Support ticket with us to investigate further.

Steve Boggs
Senior Product Support Engineer
Blue Prism
Austin, TX