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Decipher Check Box Groups - Region Positions

Level 3

Hi, if anyone would be able to help me with check mark groups it would be appreciated!

I have a document (survey) that contains multiple checkmark groups. These documents will be scanned in by a user and then submitted to Decipher. I have assigned the regions in the Data Verification tab. I've so far experimented with having the checkbox and text as a region, having just the check box as a region and having the white space within a check box as a region, the latter being the most successful in terms of identifying ticks.

The problem I am having is when scans are not correctly aligned, and are perhaps scanned further left or right, or the vertical alignment is out. This is causing the regions to become unaligned with the checkboxes.


This is causing false positives and negatives. Is there anything I can try, either in the regions or the DFD to mitigate this problem? Ideally, I'd like to tie the position of the check box to the position of the text associated with that checkbox, which Decipher seems to pick up. I'm not sure if this is possible however.  The DFD is fairly minimal.


Many thanks,


Ian Mawson


Hi Ian,

That looks a bit tricky with the boxes moving from one scan to the next. We strive to make improvements to checkmark groups from one version to the next, so if you're not on v2.2 and upgrading's an option, that might help.

Alternatively it might work to set them as individual checkmark fields and then the keywords can be set for each of them, this might help keep them aligned.

Another solution could be to create larger regions for the checkboxes to better account for this movement and adjust the RFT (see misc parameters) to accommodate for lower levels of "ink" in the box.


Ben Lyons
Senior Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based
Ben Lyons
Principal Product Specialist - Decipher
SS&C Blue Prism
UK based