Hi Dave,
This hasn't been something I've been made aware of - I'll take a look through recent support cases tomorrow and see if anyone else has been reported this issue on 6.9 or 6.10.
My understanding is that a "Detach" action without a Tracking ID should detach all active browser instances, whereas performing the same action while supplying a Tracking ID should detach just the instance specified. By the sounds of it this isn't what is happening of course, but I haven't tried to replicate this myself at the moment.
I haven't seen any mention of the use of Tracking ID in the messages in this thread, if you happen to have the processes and objects you used to test this could you generate a Tracking ID associated to the browser instance you launch, specify this in the detach action and let me know if this changes the behaviour at all?
Robert Nicklin
Senior Product Owner
Blue Prism
Warrington, England
Robert Nicklin
Product Manager
Blue Prism
Warrington, England