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Error - Highlighting results - Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

Level 2

Brennan Pursell

Level 7
Hey Brennan,

You can refer link1
or link2
If still same issue, please share more details.


Manish Kumar

Thank you, Manish, for your suggestions. Link1 and link2 refer to problems with the Write stage.
I get the error message when using Application Modeler. It successfully "Identifies" the link on the website that I am targeting, and the attributes fields auto-populate, but which I click "Highlight", it cannot highlight the element. When I use the element in the "Navigate" step, BP cannot find it and returns an error message.
I tried using the "alt" key and the UI locator, but the Application Modeler returns the same error message.
Any other suggestions?
I'm grateful!

Brennan Pursell

Hey Brennan,

There could be other possibilities where application modeler might be not connected to right browser. Try Detaching and attaching again with some hit and trail by varying child index or headers.
You can share Blue prism version and browser used or few snap-shots?

Manish Kumar

Browser: Firefox and Chrome. No difference either way. Whether element or child does not seem to matter either.
I got BP to highlight the link when I checked only the attribute box on the web text, but then the click action on the link did not work in the Navigate step.
Happy to keep trying whatever you recommend.
Thank you, Manish!

Brennan Pursell

I'm happy to help.

Did you tried to change Element types and check for click action.
Also, if you are able to highlight the link try to set FOCUS and Send Key Strokes eg. Enter and also if possible mouse Left Click.
Hope this will help.

Manish Kumar

Hi Brennan

This error comes when action teied on element is not supported.  Example we try to get table whereas element attributes says Input or TD something.. Try changing element attributes in accordance to your action and this error will be gone.

Vivek Kumar Srivastava

Hi.. did you try using UIA mode... I had the same issue and UIA mode worked. Let me know

Mitesh Khatiwala
Intelliscient Technologies Pvt. Ltd.