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Error appear

Level 3
Hi, During process i received such errorr: "Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.BPAWorkQueueItem'.'PK_BPAWorkQueueItem' in database 'BluePrism' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additional files to the filegroup, or setting autogrowth on for existing files in the filegroup" Do you know what is the reason? How can i fix it ?   Regards,  

Your DB has reached it's maximum size and no more data can fit in. Maybe you are using SQL Express which is limited (I think to 10 GB) or maybe the disk space of the DB server is full. Processes create log data when they run and usually it's the log table that makes up most of the data in a DB. The amount of logs generated can be controlled from the process diagram, and this should considered during the delivery of a project. The maximum age of logs can also be controlled via System - Archiving, and this too should be considered as part of a general 'Archiving Policy'. But one thing is certain, if you run processes with full logging and don't do any archiving, eventually you'll run out of space.

Level 3
Ok, so how can i clean Session Logs, i just will add that all my working queues are empty - no items.

Normally you enable Auto-Archiving so that BP does it for you. However, because the DB is so full, it probably won't work (even deleting stuff requires some space). Instead you'll need to delete data directly from the DB. If you contact our Support desk they will be able to provide you with a SQL script.