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Exception: Automatically set exception at CleanUp

Level 3
Hi, For a couple months we have been running a process in the control room, but ever since testing we already experienced issues which is caused by a very vague exception detail: Exception: Automatically set exception at CleanUp. I have no idea how to resolve, but guess it's due to of an earlier exception. Kind regards

Level 6
Hi Jarrick, My observation is that Blueprism marks an item with that Exception Reason, when you fetch a pending item from the queue and your process ends/terminates without marking that locked-item as either exception/completed.

Level 3
Hi Jarrick, What deep.shah is mentioning is correct - but to expand on that, you should be very aware of how processes are being developed in your organization. This error is due to a wrong way of handling exceptions in your processes. First, I would read through the 'best practices' on exceptions from Blue Prism and make sure that your processes comply with these. As a quick fix, look at the log for these processes, and see if the problem occurs the same place, or if the exception handling is failing in multiple places.

Level 2
Hello @ all, I have the same problem with the Exception handling of Blue Prism with the ""Cleanup"" after the END of an Process. If the process goes through to the end and the Items stands on Completed the data in the QUEUE ""GMC"" Completed and also checked . If I however the process after ""Refresh"", the previously checked data items are marked as exception. Has anyone here already made similar experiences? According to Blue Prism, there should be a faulty exception handling in the process, but I cannot find a step, where an exception takes place.

Hi, If you can see the items as ticked in green in the control room's Queue management, then this scenario should not occur. If what you say, is happening, then it means that an item is not being correctly marked as Exception/Completed once it is processed.

Level 15
If you are using the Blue Prism template as the basis of your processes (you should be - it is mandatory for most organisations) - then you will be force to implement best practice exception handling and this error will be impossible unless part of your infastructure goes down mid-process.

Level 2
Hi All, I'd like to revisit this question. I'm running parent/child queue process where I first get next ""Ticket Number"" item to which there are hundreds of ""File"" items assigned in Child queue . I'm also leveraging marking item in queue with proper ""Status"" so that I can return to processing in proper part of the process (can't start from beginning) in case of system crash. Now... If by any chance BP crashes, my ""Ticket Number"" item is automatically set as an exception. This means that next time BP starts it will skip whole ""Ticket Number"" item from Parent queue and therefore hundreds of items in Child queue. It also means that using item ""Status"" to mark position where I left of is only useful in case of soft stop and in case of system crash it will be useless. Is there a way to switch off ""Auto System Exception"" on cleanup? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update: I couldn't find the answer anywhere in the documentation but it turned out to be directly related to max number of attempts for a queue. I've increased the number of attempts for both queues they are not marked as exception after crash. Best regards Bartosz

ALL - there is only one reason for 'Automatically set exception at CleanUp', and Deep has called it correctly. When a process ends, either by completing or by terminating, any queue items that are currently locked by the process (or any of its objects) will be marked with this exception reason. The process (or object) owning the item lock is the one who took possession of the item via Get Next Item. Ideally you should never ever see this exception in your queues, and if you do, it is a sure sign of a logical flaw in your design. Usually it is related to poor exception handling, whereby the process is allowed to terminate whilst still in possession of queue items. Remember that Defer or Unlock can be used to release items back into an available state.

Level 3
Hello, Actually this happens even when the locked item is manually unlocked in the control tab and then the process is reset. Is this normal?

Manually unlocking an item when the process is running does not 'over rule' the process's ownership of the item lock. The process is not 'aware' that you have unlocked the item and will apply the default message when you stop the process. So yes, it is normal.