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Exception reason: There are invalid files in the uploaded batch

Level 3
Hi Deciphers,

I'm having a problem when pushing many documents at a time to the batch, I get this error:
"Exception reason: There are invalid files in the uploaded batch."

They are all .pdf files and if I only run a couple at a time, it works fine and makes the documents ready for verification.

Can someone tell me why this error occur? 

Best regards

Hello Karina,

Usually you would get this error if one of the file is invalid format and not supported by Decipher.
When this isn't working, how many documents are you trying to push to Decipher at a time? And are you sure there is no files which is not a PDF file?

Hi Karina

Just to add a question to those Tomas asked, are you trying to upload an editable pdf file, such as one that you can complete like a form? If that is the case, if you add the content and save it as non-editable, Decipher should be able to read it.


Hi, Karina,

I agree with Tomas. We were getting exactly the same message and we identified that out of 25 pdf files one was corrupted. We could not open it even in Reader. Once this file was removed everything worked fine.



Level 3
@boiko -> Around 100 documents and they are all .pdf - When that didn't work, I tried with 5, 3 and 1 file(s).
At one point I tried with a single file, which failed, waited a moment tried again and this time it was accepted.

@Joe Farr -> It is a non-editable pdf file

@Zdeněk Kabátek -> Maybe they are corrupted in some way, but they open in the reader without any problems.


Level 5
Hi Karina were you ever able to figure out the reason for this error? I am running into the same problem. It will get stuck in "In Image Processing" and then after some time end in an exception status that "There are invalid files in the uploaded batch." If I rerun the same batch it will go through with verification. It seems to happen randomly. 

I found the below error in the image processing log: 
Image processing failed. Error message from the server: SsiServerCommunication.SsiClientSessionException: Request failed for command 'GetInputFileDetails' with error code '-1' and error message: 'System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null. 

Level 3
Hi @BenBobo
No I haven't found a solution.. I raised a ticket to the Blue Prism team, but they weren't able to reproduce the error.
They have seen the error before, but it was with editable PDFs. It didn't help me out unfortunately..

And you are right, it seems pretty random when this occurs.


Level 3


Have you considered checking the properties of the PDF to determine whether it is a blocked file?

I suggest that you take a look.

Thank you,


Manik Sharma Senior Consultant, Intelligent Automation Information Services Group Bengaluru, Karnataka