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Export collection to Excel problem

Level 6

I have a small process that works with data from excel tables.

I basically import c Excel files as collections.

Prozessmodell.xlsx -> collection 1 named INTER-Prozessmodell
Vorlage.xlsx -> collection 2 named Zieldatei

I take specific data from collection 1 and add it to collection 2 and in the end collection 2 needs to be exported as an excel file again.

collection 2 -> Output.xlsx

My Export Page looks like this:

16414.pngMy Write Collection stage:
When I execute the stages it actually looks and feels like it is actually doing something since it takes some time. But when I open the Output.xlsx file later it is always empty.
Anyone got an idea what I'm doing wrong ?
Is there a documentation on these specific excel functions and if so, where can I find it ?
Also a in depth documentation for all the actions would be great. If anyone has a link I would be glad.

Marco Matuttis
Robot Process Automation Developer
INTER Krankenversicherung AG

Helpful Answers

Thank you for your reply Dave. Unfortunately my initial problem changed a bit now.

The excel file (vorlage.xlsx) that I receive will have 2 worksheets.

Worksheet 1 has the data that I will be importing as a collection.

Worksheet 2 has several formulas that rely on the data from Worksheet 1.

With the bot process I have to add some data to the collection that I extracted from Worksheet 1 (that part already works) and then I need to write the modified collection back to Worksheet 1 in the same file.

Worksheet 2 will stay untouched by the bot.


I solved it now. I left initial instance where I imported the Vorlage.xlsx file open and used the actions: Write Collection and Save Workbook

Marco Matuttis
Robot Process Automation Developer
INTER Krankenversicherung AG

View answer in original post


Level 6

I think I'm a little bit further to the solution I'm looking for.

I removed the open workbook and close current workbook stages and changed the Cell Reference to A1 in the Write Collection stage.

Now Blueprism asks me to provide a filename and lets me save the changed collection after the close Instance stage.

Somehow it does not automatically save to the already existing Output.xlsx

Marco Matuttis
Robot Process Automation Developer
INTER Krankenversicherung AG

While debugging it, you could insert a 'Show' action just after Create Instance, and that way you could watch what it does on the screen. Helps a lot. I would remove the 'Show' action afterward for prod because I believe it'll go slower with it displayed on the screen.

If you're looking to write out to a new Excel file that doesn't exist, then the order would be this:
  1. Create Instance
  2. Create Workbook
  3. Write Collection
  4. Save Workbook As
  5. Close Instance

You may also want some additional actions in order to create a new sheet instead of just using Sheet1 and what not, but the above should at least work.

Dave Morris
Cano Ai
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Thank you for your reply Dave. Unfortunately my initial problem changed a bit now.

The excel file (vorlage.xlsx) that I receive will have 2 worksheets.

Worksheet 1 has the data that I will be importing as a collection.

Worksheet 2 has several formulas that rely on the data from Worksheet 1.

With the bot process I have to add some data to the collection that I extracted from Worksheet 1 (that part already works) and then I need to write the modified collection back to Worksheet 1 in the same file.

Worksheet 2 will stay untouched by the bot.


I solved it now. I left initial instance where I imported the Vorlage.xlsx file open and used the actions: Write Collection and Save Workbook

Marco Matuttis
Robot Process Automation Developer
INTER Krankenversicherung AG