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Extract Table column values

Level 3
hi, I am Spying a table on a web page of an application to get the content. I am successfully getting the table content in to a collection using 'Get Table' action. However, I would want to get only a particular column data from the table, is it possible? I tried using different attribute but could not achieve. Any help would be appreciated! I know, I could work around either by tweaking the collection after reading the entire table or using a loop to read one value at a time, BUT is there a possibility to get only a column data from the table directly. Thanks ahead!

Level 12
I'm pretty certain you could get a single row, but not a single column. AFAIK, the automation engine isn't quite smart enough to only read a certain for every . You might be able to get away with it using region mode and capturing a vertical list that way, though.

Level 3
If we were given an option for dealing xpath to extract the column, may be this could be easy. A new feature for proposal.