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Given Key not present in the dictionery

Level 6
Hi Expert,

I have created custom BO "Apply Filer" under MS VBO Excel. The code stage is fine. There are no error in the code stage.
But when I am applying the BO in the process level, its showing me the error. 

As this is huge excel file I am unable to apply filter collection. Please help me to solve this issue.
Please help me on this issue.

Attachment for ref.


Asitabha Deb

Level 9
The most likely source of the error is in the call GetWorkbook(). It uses a dictionary to map from a handle/workbook name to the actual Excel workbook object. Specifically, this line (in the global code): Return GetInstance(Handle).Workbooks(Name). What I would do first is comment out everything in your code except the call to GetWorksheet(), and test with just that to make sure it is what is causing the error. After that, I would run your process again, step into Apply Filter and double check that it is supplying a valid handle and workbook name.

Nicholas Zejdlik
RPA Developer

Level 9
Hi Asitabha,

It seems you are passing wrong criteria to filter the records. The criteria should be "='Confirmed'". It doesn't matter if the excel is huge. If you are able to apply filter manually on that excel, then MS Excel VBO can also apply the same filter.

Ritansh Jatwani