Already mentioned earlier in this topic:
but there the request is to make a collection possible.
My request would be to be able to add folders so environment variables can be grouped.
As a system admin
I would like to be able to make folders in Environment variables
And to be able to create Environment variables in folders
And the variables all to be accessible in processes
For me there is no explicit need for now to limit visibility to specific processes. Also it would be alright to have a full dropdown list in the process where you select which environment variable to use. Of course a grouping in this list would be beneficial (f.e. [foldername] - [env. var. name]) .It would also fix issues when you would use general variable names (because the combination of folder and var. name would we unique).
Another future improvement could be that a process has access to all environment variables on the highest level + all environment variables in a folder matching the process name, but not to environment variables in another folder other than the process name.