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Hello Community!
I have a question that is killing me right now haha.
We developed 4 robots and works properly and all the elements were recognize. When the processes pass to prod environment they stopped working (It work perfectly with the window screen watching it, but fail without the window screen [the session is always active so some GUI issues are not possible]), some element could not be recognize anymore (HTML element and UI Automation elements), we realized that nothing change in the environment but the conector to the window screen. Everything works fine with or without the window screen using VGA connector, with HDMI connector stopped work without the screen but works fine WITH the screen.
So, what could it be a possible cause to this? or what is the difference between HDMI and VGA?

Daniel Andrés Sanhueza Ibarra
Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer

Level 12
Aside from the signal being analog vs digital, it should remain the same. This shouldn't happen, but all I can figure is that's caused some of the element definitions to change. Are you able to respy and compare?

Ami Barrett
Lead RPA Software Developer
Solai & Cameron

Level 5
I guess the problem is about the screen resolution changed.

Chenglung Tsai

Level 10
I suspect you're using RDP, you'll need to keep the RDP window active or it won't work.

Gopal Bhaire

Level 6

Could you describe each environment a little bit more?


Joakim Eklund
Senior RPA Developer
Swedbank AB

Level 15
Did you guys test this HDMI vs VGA issue in a lower environment (dev)? Even if you're right that the only difference between dev and prod is the cables, it'd be good to verify that dev has the same result when using HDMI.

If the issue does turn out to be the cables, this needs to win the most-bizarre-error-of-the-month award. 😃

Dave Morris
3Ci @ Southern Company
Atlanta, GA

Dave Morris, 3Ci at Southern Company

Hi all and thanks for your answers!
The resolution is the same, otherwise none of the  process should run
The session is always active but we are not working with RDP
Re spied the element and then compare was what i thought... The things is this
Process 1: Didnt work with HDMI but always has worked with VGA
Process 2: Always work with HDMI
Process 3: Never work 'cause is the dummy bot of all. Speaking seriusly, this one always work with VGA, the situation is quite similar with the process 1
Process 4: Always work with VGA and HDMI, (this is the strong guy)

I develop just process 1 and 4, the other 2 were developed by ppl that is no longer in the project so I was assigned to stabilize all the robot in the production environmnet but has getting harder than i expect. In dev and test environemnt everything works fine

Daniel Andrés Sanhueza Ibarra
Junior Staff
Daniel Sanhueza
RPA Professional Developer

Hi Daniel

​I am not aware of these connectors but this happened to me.

Below would be the possible causes

1. Running process on machines which were idle for long time. Everything works fine and when you start a new session after some idle time through the control room you will see the errors. This might not be in all Org's.
2. Switching between the connectors when process is running.
3. Logging into machine to actually see how BOT is doing and then disconnecting it.

My advise will be Do Login agent - Wait 4 min till machine shows logged in - Run the process without actually watching, switching b/w connectors, do not do anything if everything looks good run logout on the Machine. Repeat same for other 3 Processes

then Repeat switching Connector.

Rajesh kumar Muthineni
RPA Developer
Highmark Health

"Re spied the element and then compare was what i thought... "

Did this show what the problem was? If possible, can you do this on the system actually running the process?

Ami Barrett
Lead RPA Software Developer
Solai & Cameron