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Has anyone Integrated Microsoft Teams with Graph API?

Level 7

Hi Team,

I have a scenario where BP BOT needs receive the Input and send the Output back to a particular teams channel.

So the BOT requires to send messages and read messages from a particular channel.

We are thinking to leverage Microsoft Graph APIs for the same.

Has anyone already done this integration already?

I am thinking of using Application Access for API permissions, but I can't see any mechanism to send messages to a particular channel for the same.

We can use Delegated access but unfortunately out system will need us to do MFAs to provide consent for the same.

So if anyone can provide some insights as to how we can Integrate MS Teams with Graph APIs for application access permissions, to send and receive messages to a channel would be rally helpful.

Manish Rawat
Project Manager
New Delhi

Level 4

Are you using the Microsoft Graph API connector for Teams from the Digital Exchange? I think the connector has methods to get a list of Teams channels, and get the channel ID from there.

We're currently attempting this, but waiting on Application security from our admins. 

Brian Clayton
Applications Consultant
The Auto Club Group
America/Dearborn MI


@Manish Rawat,

In my experience, Graph requires that you use Delegated access tokens if you want to send messages via Teams. That's the way we have the Teams connector on the DX working.

For MFA, there is also a connector (actually two) for dealing with 2FA with TOTP and HOTP algorithms.


Eric Wilson
Director, Integrations and Enablement
Blue Prism Digital Exchange

Hi Manish,

As per the Graph API documentation, looks like we can use only the delegated permission to post a message in the channel. 

Send chatMessage in a channel or a chat - Microsoft Graph v1.0 | Microsoft Learn

Athiban Mahamathi -
Technical Consultant,