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Hive database connection using OLEDB utility

Level 2
Hi, I need to access Hive dataware house to fetch some details.I am using OLEDB utility for setting the connection.The connection string format is " jdbc:hive2://:/;user=;password=; ". I am passing the same in OLEDB utility ConnectionString Variable. But I am getting below error. Kindly Suggest. Error : " Internal: Could not excite code stage because exception thrown by code stage: An OLE DB Provider was not specified in the ConnectionString. An example would be, 'Provider = SQLOLEDB;' " Thanks in advance, Sahela J

Level 15
Hello, I don't know about Hive but the connection string for Excel looks something like this: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=""C:\Temp\Testfile.xlsx"";Extended Properties=""Excel 12.0 Xml;HDR=NO;""; I would expect your connection string to look something more like that (with Provider= etc...)

Level 3

Hi Sahela,
I need to access Hive server database house to fetch some details.I am using OLEDB utility for setting the connection.
if you find any solution kindly Guide us.

thanks in advance.

rajeev palla