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How To Launch "cmd" from application modeller

Level 6
Hi, I am not able to launch cmd from modeller tried different ways . but not able to start the windows shell, cmd on background runs on two processes namingly cmd and conhost tried that as well. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Level 4
Hi Prateek, I have also tried to launch the CMD from application modeler but it didn't worked. But I have achieved through the action ""Start Process"" available in the Utility - Environment VBO. After launching the CMD we can attach the CMD by using application modeler. try and let me know if you find any issues. Regards, Kiran

Level 6
thanks kiran

Level 3
i also launched it via a code in C#, create a business process with no application then add a code step string strCmdText; strCmdText= ""Echo"" ; System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(""CMD.exe"",strCmdText); once it launches you can attach oh ensure you add system.dll to the initilaize screen C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\System.dll