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Overnight Wait Stage/Object

Level 2
Hello I have a process which operates on an annual basis using infromation from an external party and the data being input can range from 10 cases to in excess of 1500 cases. These cases can only be processed between 06:00 am and 18:00 pm and are loaded on receipt of the information due to internal organisational reasons. Question is does anyone know of a General Utility/Object that will pause/sleep the process for 11 hours during the times the main target system cant be updated i.e. overnight? I am aware that this will mean the robot will be out of use for this period, but that is not an issue as during the week of the year these cases are received a dedicated resource is allocated until the process is complete. I do have a wait object built in but I have had to apply 39600 seconds to it and im unsure if this will have the desired effect. Thanks in advance Neil

Neil you need to use a queue, don't work directly from the file. As Bastiaan says, load all cases into the queue, then move the file or rename it so that it won't get picked up again tomorrow. Design the process to stop itself at 1800 (see process templates) and use the scheduler to restart it at 0600 the next day. If a new file has appeared, load it as before. If the new file could contain duplicate cases, then only add new cases to the queue.You've got my email Neil, so send me your design if you want.

Level 2
Thanks for the replies. I think I get the idea. I will have a look at the process and see if I can fit this in. If I get stuck Ill drop you an email John. Thanks again