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How can I run a macro that is in an .xlsm file ???

Level 4
What parameters should I set to execute a macro procedure inside a .XLSM file?

Level 4
Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: No se puede ejecutar la macro ""EliminaCeldasVacias()"". Puede que la macro no esté disponible en este libro o que se hayan deshabilitado todas las macros.

Level 4
Internal : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: No se puede ejecutar la macro ""EliminaCeldasVacias()"". Puede que la macro no esté disponible en este libro o que se hayan deshabilitado todas las macros.

Level 7
Hi, You can use ms excel vbo utility ,you need to open the excel having macros in it and than using the run macros action you can run it.Run macros action will take the macros name as input. Regards, Ravinder Saini