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Forum Posts

Include Add-ins on Opening an Excel

I'm using MS Excel VBO, by creating an instance, showing and opening my workbook. Whenever i open my workbook, my add-ins on excel are not included. Any idea how to include my add-ins on opening the excel while using the MS Excel VBO?

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How to get title of a HTML Element

I am facing challenge where I have to get the text from the tool tip when I am hovering mouse over a html element. I tried spying using html and AA mode but I am not getting the title(tooltip text) of the HTML element.

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Mapi issues on new developer pc

Recently I switched my developer pc into a new one (Windows 10 instead of 7) and I have noticed that my old, perfectly working mapiex business object now sporadically fails to work even though I made literally no changes to the release at all. Does a...

Downloading VBOs from Blue Prism

How do i download VBOs from Blue Prism? When I click on for example MAPIEx VBO - HTML email, I get: This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below. ... and the list go on. Am I sup...

Searching for values in excel

Hi, I am trying to search for values in excel. I cannot find that functionality in the Excel VBO, and currently elaborate with sending keys (ctrl+f). Anyone with other suggestions? Br, Maria

Spying in Browser

I am doing web automation. I have to attach the file in the portal. I am able to do till clicking the attach button, but while opening the dialog box from the window I am not able to spy the whole dialog box in HTML Mode and also not able to spy the ...

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The queue with name 'Queue1' was not found

Hi , I am not able to add a collection into a Work Queues( here , Business object is - Work Queues and Action type is : Add to Queue ) i am getting the following error saying that "Internal : The queue with name 'Queue1' was not found". [have gi...

VAppLauncher.exe to launch TIBCO Spotfire

Hello, I'm attempting to incorporate a TIBCO Spotfire report into my process. I am forced to use a VAppLauncher.exe program due to organization restrictions. When I try to identify the Spotfire application using the Application Modeller (screen sh...

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Application Timeout behaviour

I am testing the new feature called "Application Timeout" and it worked during a debug sesión. The excepction is thrown but, there are recovery steps to perform the action right away and this also fails afterwards with the same excepción. The proce...

Robots/ICs getting locked automatically

I have created an object for a flash based website where I could spy elements in AA mode. I was able to enter data to the fields and was able to click on any part of the screen. It was working well early. The entire process which used three business ...

Unzip Folder Using Powershell Use the above link to download the bp release "unzip folders using powershell"

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